​Little Precious Angels Childcare
​Little Precious Angels Childcare

Thank you for your interest in Little Precious Angels Enrollment Process!! We are excited that you choose us to care for your little ones
You will find all Printable Enrollment Forms, that make up LPACC enrollment packets, each packet will include the necessary requirements you will need to enroll. Aside from enrollment forms you will also need....
Private Pay
What you need to start...
- Enrollment forms
-Immunization Records/ Shot records for each child enrolled(Must have before starting)
-Physical Exam for each child enrolled(Child must be cleared by his/her physician to attend Childcare).
-55.00 non refundable Registrations Fee(Family Fee)
-Deposit of one-week tuitions for each child attending
-Deposit will be applied to last week of service.
-Allergy Forms with an actions plan from child physician
All payments are due before service can start...
State Subsidy
What you will need to start..
-Enrollment Forms
-Immunization Records/Shot Records
-Physical( Must State child can attend Childcare)
-55.00 non-refundable Registration Fee(Family Fee)
-Deposit is equal to one month of space fees per child attending-Non Refundable with two weeks notice of leaving, will cover last month of service.
Note: Deposit will be applied to last month of service with two week notice.
-Space Fees for month, must be paid in advance for days approved by state. (We do not have daily rates of sliding fees)
-Allergy Forms with Action Plan from child's physician
All payments are due before service can start...
Children on State Subsidy are required to attend Little Precious Angels Childcare on all approved times given by the State of Missouri. The state of Missouri Social Services does allow for up to 5 days of absent per month, absent must be arrange with Center Director. (Example: If you are approved for 23 days per month, your child is required to be in attendance at least 18 days per month)
We also provide, paper forms for those unable to print.
Please bring in all forms at your schedule enrollment date. If you have any questions about any forms, please give the center a call, and a staff member will assist you.
Note: Please try to fill in all space, as this is very critical to our enrollment process. If it doesn't apply, please Mark as N/A
Thank you